Turnip, pickles, salted pickles, root without skin and foods with a good balance of amino acids
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The formula is as follows
Each amino acid content per gram of food ingredient / numerical value of each amino acid in the amino acid grading pattern (unit: mg) = ratio of each amino acid
The formula is as follows
Protein in food x amino acid score = available protein based on amino acids
Based on the amino acid composition table published by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
I am looking for someone who can help us with amino acid composition tables and related open source data. I would appreciate it if you could contact us through our contact form. I have looked for such data in the public data published by the USDC and other organizations. It is difficult to find open source data for each country, partly because the developer is Japanese and not fluent in English. I am waiting for the providers
I welcome suggestions for improvement from both the general public and researchers. This site was created by an individual with the motivation to create a useful site about protein out of personal curiosity. I am sure that some regions need more efficient protein intake. I am sure there are many other issues that I am not aware of, but I am not sure if I am approaching the users needs. I would be grateful for any suggestions for improvement. If you provide us with any data, I would be happy to publish it as the name of the cooperating party after prior consultation